This page is used to inform app users regarding our policies with the collection and use of Personal Information for people using our service.
If you choose to use our Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation with this policy.
Information Collected while Using the App
Our application allows users to perform a VTO (virtual try on) of different kind of jewels (rings, bracelets, earrings, necklaces) using Augmented Reality.
No personal data is collected or stored by our application. No personal data is shared with Third Parties
Using ARKit & TrueDepth API
In order to perform the virtual try on of earrings and necklaces and to show in real time the jewels correctly positioned and oriented on the user’s face, our application uses the ARKit Face Tracking and TrueDepth API technology.
No TrueDepth or FaceTracking data is collected or stored by the application: the face tracking data is only used at runtime to provide the best virtual try on experience.
Users are aware of the face tracking use as it is described by the application’s instrcutions and it is a main feature of the app.
All the TrueDepth API data is only used at runtime for Augmented Reality purposes:
• we do not store any data or information from True Depth API; we do not store any Personal
•Information data
•we do not share any data with Third Parties
Data Retention/Deletion
No data is stored by the application.
Contact us
If you have any questions regarding privacy while using the Application, or have questions about our practices, please contact us via email at